The Divine Union... the profound reasons behind being chosen for this extraordinary connection
My Unfolding Twin Flame Journey
Twin Flame Journey… some thoughts
My Twin Flame Journey of Soul Connection and Genuine Self fulfillment is amazing as it continues to unfold, as the Divine Timing of the Universe works. Don't hold the other tight because you are the “other” too and this just tightens yourself... the opposite of what you want. I have no thoughts of control. I'm in complete knowing trust of this Journey. I love the Divine Synchronicity, the Divine Timing, mirroring energy and messages exchanged. The affirmations appear and I don't look for them.
I don't like or use the Twin Flame "Seeker/Runner" term. I trust and enjoy the Intuitive messaging shared with my Twin Flame. I have nothing but the most respectful, loving thoughts for my Twin Flame. Since Twin Flames are two halves of a one any negatives we have for the other is also experienced as a negative to us. Gaps in communication are part of the Journey, embrace them! They are the critical opportunity and time to work on one's own "stuff". To work and clear dark shadows illuminated by our Twin Flame when we illuminate, mirror and exchange our Light, Love and Soul Energy.
The Twin Flame Journey progresses into Alignment with all things in and of the Universe... with your Twin Flame, which is also oneself. It's a requirement of Reunion with one's Twin Flame. My Twin Flame connection was a catalyst in my Soul and highest purpose progression. This Union is always present with me, I'm Mindful and grateful of my Twin Flame and the unfolding Journey. Trust and faith are critical, kill your ego, have no expectations to any outcomes... let it flow to let it grow!